A new... old Blizzard game available!

Even though these games are not part of a massive fan-base like the other games, at least people are asking. Blachthorne is another story. It's an old title from 1994 which came out after Warcraft. Some wonderful Blizzard employee has decided to start up development again.

I'm not saying Blachthorne is getting a schedule or will appear in Heroes of the Storm ( though that would be a splendid Easter egg).
The work being done on the game has allowed it to work on modern systems. It is available for free download on Battle.net. Image from: LazyGamer
The game was originally a Super Nintendo Game but ended up on the Sega 32X. Now it did make an appearance on Floppy Disks which probably were in use while it was on MS-DOS. Eventually it made it's way the super modern optical technology known only as CD-ROM! It made it's way to Mac.

It is a platformer. You as Kyle, climb all around the level and take revenge by shooting whatever gets in your way. A total of 17 levels within 4 different areas — Androth where you will find mines but I don't believe you'll find Dwarves, Karrellian which may have forests and swamps but may not have any wood Elves, the Wasteland that my be home to a desert but without a valut 17, and the Shadow keep which just sounds scary.

I'm not totally sure on what the PC version offers but I will download and review it soon. It would be nice if that was added but if not I may need a 32X.
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