Cyan has been developing Obduction a new game that is apparently trying to rival some of the most well known classic PC games. This is in reference to Myst and Riven. Cyan's new project has been a success and has about 30 minutes as of posting this. An adventure that might be point-and-click???????
We'll find out soon enough. I hope.

Scale has also been successful and have a couple hours left for funding. It's a puzzle game that involves with changing the size of everything and manipulating the world.
Scale did reach one of it's stretch goals which means it has promised to have Oculus Rift support which seems like I will easily fall out of my chair. Size changing and being able to do this in every direction. A dangerous combination.
Admittedly, Obduction sounds riveting but it is only a concept so far. The most anticipate Kickstarter reported on this website was none other than GOD itself! Well, GoD Factory: Wingmen. Close enough.
There is some good news to follow on that game however. They were also on Greenlight and they (along with some 100+ games) got greenlit. This means they were approved onto the Steam page and are making arrangements with Valve to sell the game. It should be available soon for around 10-15 dollars.
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